
Dear Mr. Picasso

Fred Baldwin’s life took a turn in the direction of the extraordinary when he decided to interview and photograph Pablo Picasso. In his last year of college, he delivered a letter with own drawings to the artist. This made Picasso laugh and open the door. Baldwin’s life changed. He followed his dream, used his imagination, overcame fear, and acted – now he could accomplish anything.

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Author: Frederick Baldwin


What followed were picture stories about reindeer migrations, a day and a night with the Ku Klux Klan, Nobel Prize coverage, cod fishing in Arctic Norway, polar bear expeditions. Then underwater images of the fight of hooked Marlin in Mexico – an homage to Hemingway. In 1963, Baldwin joined the Civil Rights Movement, photographing Martin Luther King. A two-year stint as Peace Corps director in Borneo was followed by more photojournalism in India and Afghanistan. This account takes the reader to high adventure worldwide, but also to disaster and failure. This illustrated love affair with freedom shows how a camera became a passport to the world.

Fred Baldwin was born in 1929 in Switzerland. After earning his B.A. degree from Columbia College, New York in 1956, he began a freelance photography career which continued until 1987. Baldwin worked for LIFE, National Geographic, GEO, STERN, Esquire, Sports Illustrated, Smithsonian Magazine, Newsweek, the New York Times and others.

Since 1983 Baldwin has been Chairman of FotoFest (Houston), which he co-founded with Wendy Watriss and Petra Benteler.


Features & Reviews
The New York Times
Daily Beast

Houston Chronicle
PBS NewsHour
Polka magazine (in French)
PDN Online
Photonews July-August 2019 (in German)
L’Oeil Photographie
fotoMAGAZIN August 2019 (in German)
Leica Fotografie International magazine
Interview during Leitz Photographica Auction, June 2019
ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers)
PBS/Houston 88.7 Radio (27th of August, 2019)
The Guardian 


ISBN 9789053309186
Format: 17 x 24 cm.
704 pages with hundreds of photos in full color and duotone


Additional information

Weight 1.6 kg
Dimensions 24.5 × 17 cm


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